I have 3 beautiful daughters. That being said, I also have a mountain of laundry that never seems to disappear despite my constant pecking through it. The sad truth is, as their jeans get longer and the sports uniforms multiple, the mountain is sure to grow right along with them. Being frugal (1/4 dutch), with frugal (probably more than 1/4 dutch) friends, I've been given several recipes for home made laundry soap over the years. This week, after staring at a bottle of $13 sensitive skin, dye free laundry soap, I decided to give the < $3.00 stuff a try. What's the worst thing that could happen? After all, most of the clothes in my mountain I know for a fact were only worn for a couple of non-stinky hours.
I know that some day my girls will be gone and so will their laundry and my lint will turn from pink to gray, and the mountain will look more like a mole hill, but until that day comes...
Home made Laundry soap:
1 cup of Borax,
1 cup of Baking Soda,
1 bar of fragrance free, dye free soap (Dial works just fine)
Grate the bar of soap with a cheese grater and mix the 3 ingredients together. You'll need an empty ice cream bucket (with lid) for storage.
Use 1 1/2 Tb per load and use the extra cash you saved to buy more clothes... so they can end up in the neverending pile.
Yikes ! I'm 100% Dutch! I'm trying it!