Monday, May 16, 2011

Warning: Woman without fear

Does anyone find this label insulting?  I would prefer a warning that was a little more honest.  For example, Danger: if you are stupid enough to fall off of this 3 foot ladder and die, do not sue the maker of this product.  It will be a tragic accident that will no doubt make the paper, but it is certainly not our fault. 

There are warning, danger, and caution signs all around preaching to us that this world is not safe, that in this world you are going to die.  Duh?!   Most of these signs teach us to worry, be anxious, and live cautiously.  I say, how boring!  I sometimes wish there were warning signs reminding us that we are living. 

Caution:  This is the last time you will see your mother; hug her. 
Warning: Stop complaining about your jeans being tight because someday you'll wish they still fit. 
Stop!  Working so hard and play with your kids.  Some day you will want them to play with you and they will be 'too busy'. 

I don't really know where this is coming from today.  Probably because I see so many of my friends making poor decisions in their lives based on fear and it just looks like slavery to me.  I want to shake them awake! (in love of course)  So I say practice living without fear, take (healthy) risks, be brave, draw outside the lines, think outside the box, trust God.   He reminds us to 'fear not' over 62 times in the book He wrote for us.


  1. Stac, you are such a wise woman. I love it! And your ladder metaphor makes me think that often we live in a world full of people who have no common sense! (Thinking here about the "Caution, contents are hot" warning on coffee cups! UGH!) As someone who has been in a tiny fear-induced prison, I can say from experience it is no way to live. But some fear is good, I try to teach Liam "healthy fear" the kind that keeps you from ending up in real harm or danger. Be fearful of that oncoming semi, be fearful of that huge dog barking at you and bearing his teeth, but don't let fear stop you from living. Don't let fear keep you from following your heart and achieving your dreams. It's a fine line sometimes and sometimes requires a lot of work to manage our unhealthy fears, even when we know God tells us he's got our backs. Be bold, be brave, take a leap of faith, these things are harder for some than others, and I think you are such an awesome woman for having the strength to be all of those things!!!
